Teach English in Lianghekou Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lianghekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When you start a job, any job, you must first understand what exactly you have to do and why you are doing it, if you want to have any chance of being successful. So in this essay, I'm planning to explore what the role of a teacher is, what it all boils down to and how to address it. In order to do that, I'll start by looking at the students and their needs. What does one need in order to learn something? A couple of things: they need a good example - they need to know exactly what they are going to learn in order to try and reproduce it, and then they need some kind of correction - to ensure that their efforts are not in vain. Now, when we talk about learning languages and a couple of other things, some people can do it by themselves, they are autodidacts. Which means, they can do all their research and get enough exposure to simply absorb the learning material, while making some kind of self-correction along the way. But these people are exceptional. Most of us need to outsource that, we need someone on the outside to handle the exposure, help us practice and correct us - and that's where the teacher steps in. The teacher is the main source of knowledge in this case, whether it's their own knowledge or they are just a way of reaching other, more suitable materials, such as books, websites, videos, etc. Apart from that, the teacher creates the opportunity for controlled practice, the classroom being a place where students are encouraged to practice the language without the fear of being judged or laughed at. So many language students complain about a lack of opportunity to speak in a safe environment, the real world being too intimidating for someone that is not proud of their skills yet. And that is why a lot of students have much better receptive skills than productive ones. Another issue is that even if students do get to practice their speaking skills, if they don't do it in a controlled environment, they won't be corrected and they won't be able to improve much as a result. This is another thing that a teacher can help with, whether they organize group or individual practice, the students still get the evaluation and correction they need to progress. Last but not least, the teacher needs to take care of all the little details that make students enjoy their classes and enhance the learning experience, such as boosting students' motivation and confidence, creating a pleasant and exciting atmosphere, building rapport and showing genuine care and appreciation. It is proven time and time again that a successful teacher, businessman, therapist - or any kind of leader that wants to be an inspiration - first needs to build a genuine connection with its followers. And it's that connection that keeps them motivated and inspired, it's that connection that really helps with the learning process. And so, if I were to draw a conclusion, I would say a teacher's role is to be an inspiration for its students. To be the best teacher they possibly can. To be knowledgeable, always keeping up to date with the newest materials and technology. To be trustworthy, to keep their word and treat their students with respect. To be fun and laid back when the time comes, to know how to create a relaxed atmosphere, one in which students are not afraid to speak and make mistakes. And even more than that, to create an environment in which students are eager to learn and participate and join in group activities with the others. A good teacher is the one that makes students love what they are doing in class and makes them fall in love with the language and the culture that they are trying to absorb. It might sound utopic, but if the teacher learns about its students' particularities and caters to them, it's not impossible.