Teach English in Huoju Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huoju Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The English language is a mainstay of the modern business world, its widespread use across so many countries dates back to the British Empire, which at its height spanned approximately 24%[1] of the Earth’s landmass. Naturally this included many countries around the world and, to those that were not within it, presented many opportunities for trade. As such the demand and necessity for quality English teaching followed. Overtime best practices were established and improved upon which eventually brought us to the era of modern teaching courses. As with all real world tasks or entities nothing is black or white and so, as in all things, TEFL courses have their proponents and detractors. When assessing the utility of such courses it is important to consider target audiences and their motivations, both of those taking the course and those they intend to teach. Someone intending to backpack for a time across multiple countries will be drawn to the flexibility it offers, across borders, in terms of finding employment, whilst others intending a longer term career may see it as a means of increasing their earning power. These are both valid reasons as, although not all, many jobs require TEFL training. When more posts are open to someone they can find a job more quickly and have a higher likelihood of getting better remuneration. Along with this other candidates who are already teachers can benefit from the communicative style of teaching emphasized by such options, and in modern times there is a drive for continuous improvement across the majority of disciplines. For the students, of all the aforementioned groups, the benefits are myriad. The class management skills taught ensure that any disruptions to lessons are minimized through efficient and effective means, which also cause less detriment to those being chastised than more traditional methods such as shouting or calling out individuals and causing embarrassment or shame. This means that more teaching time goes into imparting knowledge on the students. Along with this clear lesson plans are shown and the teachers will be cognizant of language and grammar structures they already naturally use, and so will be better able to explain them to beginners. Whilst there are English teaching jobs available that do not require a TEFL course it could be argued that it is doing a disservice to the students if the teacher is not adequately trained. On the other hand, there are reasons some may want to avoid TEFL courses. As mentioned previously not all jobs require a course and if someone is not planning on teaching for long they may not make back their monetary investment, which could in turn limit their options in the short term. Others go the other way and argue that a number of TEFL courses do not go into enough depth on the topics covered and in terms of providing real teaching experience. When we compare this to teaching or English language degrees which will encompass multiple years of study along with extended periods of teaching. While it may be viewed as a matter prestige in some parts of the world to have a native speaker as a teacher, this does not necessarily mean they are the best person suited for a job. Overall I feel TEFL courses are an important tool in the modern world particularly in economically developing countries. The increased availability of learning sources this has provided allows people in these countries greater employment opportunities, within their own country, outside of it and even online. While detractors may argue they do not go into enough depth, they certainly provide valuable information, and many accreditors in fact offer a variety of options when undertaking courses so they can suit a wider variety of candidates. And, as mentioned previously, there is nothing to prevent someone from carrying out further study on their own, continuous improvement in teaching is essential as new techniques are researched and developed constantly, this, I would argue, is a duty of all teachers, for as Malala Yousafzai said[2]; “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” Sources [1] "The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency". Archived from the original on 5 January 2010. Retrieved 10 September 2016. land: 148.94 million sq km (Wikipedia: [2] I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban