Teach English in Houjia Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Houjia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Why English is important as a global language It is manifest that English as a global language plays an increasingly important role in the world. In my essay, I would like to present three possible reasons. The first reason that springs to my mind is that human can never resist the temptation from curiosity and fortune. People are naturally curious about foreign cultures. The demand is there and languages are, by definition, vehicles for communication. People whose mother tongue is not English spontaneously have the aspiration to learn it in order to explore the English world. Also, they tend to be eager to acquire this essential skill that can open up more doors for their career development and eventually help them make their lives more colorful and unique. Evidence can be easily found that in this day and age, people who speak great English in their workplace are standing on a bigger chance to be given more responsibilities and climb their corporate ladder faster and more likely to make a killing. With the money and the language, those individuals’ lives can be dramatically improved to a higher level where they expect themselves to be. Secondly, English is a super powerful tool that bridges the west and the east. Cultural differences are quite complicated to be explained without a common language. Fortunately, English as a global lingua franca facilitates cross-cultural communication.Today, for example, most of the international conferences designate English as their chief working language, and a vast number of leading scientific journals in the world are either published in English or have an English version. Furthermore, the expansion of English also enables people whose native tongue is not English to better appreciate English-speaking cultures. Now that increasing cultural interaction between nations is a globally irreversible trend. It is generally accepted that English-speaking cultures are among the richest and most dynamic in the world. Successful English learners can enjoy those classic English literature in its original language, comprehend Hollywood blockbusters without having to read the subtitles, and easily browse through the Internet, where the dominant language is English. Last but not least, the proliferation use of English as a global language also has a unifying effect on those who do no speak the same mother tongue. History tells us that language barriers strengthen distrust and bias, while a shared language brings a sense of belonging and unity. Taking China as a vivid example, there are 56 ethnic groups with so many different kinds of dialects. Every dialect to some extent is a new language to me, even though I was born and grew up in Beijing. Mandarin, the commonly-used language of China, magically keeps unifying the entire nation, especially when people disagree with each other. In the international community, communication in English between nations can help different parties to gain a better understanding from others perspective, enhance productivity, efficiency and mutual respect. It will be much easier for them to reach an agreement or alignment that subsequently benefits them all, because the negative effects that the language barriers can possible bring about has been primarily minimized. In conclusion, English as a global language has provided people who have different language background an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity of the world, boosted their employ-ability, facilitated the cross-cultural communication and appreciation, and most importantly brought about a great sense of belonging and unity to everyone of the global village.