Teach English in Folou Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Folou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is not just delivering in a class what you know but it is to enable your focus group to apply the knowledge that you have delivered to critically analyse the idea and develop their own perspective. As teachers we may have students who have world class facility or students who are just dependent on your lecture notes, in any of the circumstances we need to use and apply critical thinking to maximize learning, one good solution given in the last chapter of this course is your own waste such as cartoons, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets etc. to be used as resource for language learning classes. I remember once I was teaching in an Ethiopian University and while explaining the concept of exchange rate I realized that they are unable to understand the concept and then I looked in my bag and found out 5 dollar and some Birr (Ethiopian Currency). I took out both the currencies in different hands and demonstrated dollar for Birr or Birr for Dollar and they all got relaxed and said oh yeah. Similarly A teacher cannot afford to be judgmental because if you are then you will not treat the whole class in the same manner and especially with the young learners. As teachers we meet a lot of different people in classes. Some are there with no interest, others highly interested and may seek a lot of teacher’s attention. In this situation it is prudent that a teacher understands the class well and attends each student equally without giving attention to the particular character of a student. Many a times during this course it was mentioned that we should be patient with the slow learners or have more material, exercises for the fast learners was for reminding us that as teachers we are dealing with the pace of the majority of students. Additionally pre-preparation for a class play a big role in achieving the outcome. When you are a teacher you somehow know that you have to have preparation before going to a class but if you are a good teacher then you will not only have material prepared but you will also plan the lecture in proper format related to the subject. The unit in the course which explains the use of lesson plan gives a thorough perspective on how to prepare and self-assess the lesson plan as per the course. The first advantage of having a lesson plan is that you have a clear idea of time management as you progress in the class; second it allows you to be creative while preparing it because you know who you are going to teach so may be the sample available is not that suitable for your pupil. Thus pre-preparation of a suitable lesson plan is a very important teaching skill. An important skill that I was using but not properly before, was ESA lessons (Engage, Study and Activate) the understanding of it and the further Explanation in following units helped me a lot. I am sure if I will plan my lecture keeping in mind engage, study and activate phase, then I will be more effective in the class. Throughout this course I realized that how important it is to practice teaching skills than just working on course objective. As an Economics student I know that you should do something only if you are going to add value to it otherwise it is just waste of time. In case of teaching I believe we should be more careful because if teaching is substandard it is waste of time.