Teach English in Desheng Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Desheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

While it may be an obvious statement, the primary purpose for language is to communicate. Language is an integral part of any society. We use language to communicate with our families, pets, and even computers. Often, schools, tutoring centers and other educational institution focus on teaching formal language: Academic, Business, and “Dictionary “. While formal language does have its role, it is not fully fulfilling the requirements for a good grasp on a language. Colloquial Language, in this case slang and idioms, servers several roles: Communicate idea’s quickly, allow for effective communication within subgroups etc. Teaching slang and idiom will help students improve their receptive skills and give more appreciation of English Idiomatic language can be profoundly confusing. For many students, the idea of going “Cold Turkey “to stop a destructive behavior may seems strange. “How does someone find a cold Turkey?” “What do you do with it?” are questions students will ask themselves it hopes to understand the phrase. Whether it is Mark Twain, or Kendrick Lamar, Idiomatic language plays an integral part of classic and current literature and speaking language. Unfortunately, due to the confusing nature of idioms students can misunderstand the meaning of what is being written or spoken. Teachers will have to apply similar vocabulary ESA methods as they would for vocabulary. Idiomatic language must be memorized. In rare case does the phrase, stand alone, make sense. Slang and idiomatic language may seem the same, but there is a large difference. Idiomatic language are often words and phrase that specific meaning with no relation in meaning to other phrase. Whereas, slang has a system of grammar and to build idiomatic language. Slang and culture are inextricably intermingled. Slang develops from the culture, struggles and the history of a people. To truly be able to communicate with a people, understanding their slang, or the rules that form that slang family group, is invaluable. It should be noted, when teaching slang teachers should not express that it is considered “low brow”, nor should it be taught that the practitioners of slang are considered ignorant or uneducated. While some may find it difficult to understand, Slang is just another type of system(s) with the purpose of communication for individual groups. Being a system, it can be taught with the same EFL methodology that has taught in the class. While Slang may seem strange to teach in such a manner consider this, for many years there has been a debate if A.A.V.E. (African-American Vernacular English) could be considered a language since it has different set of rules and uses different words. Even so much, school districts host training for teachers to understand it, because it allows teachers a better way to communicate with students that grew up speaking AAVE. While idiomatic language and slang is often not focused on in schools, due to it not having use in formal settings, it should not be avoided in the classrooms. They do have value on playgrounds, in homes, and in the everyday lives of people.