Teach English in Chaba Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chaba Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Disruptive students are a challenge for teachers of native English speaking students and even more so with nonnative speakers. Students’ behavior can be a reflection of their situation at home. A skilled teacher needs to be able to diffuse the situation while minimizing disruption to the lesson. A teacher that can maintain their composure will have more successful classroom time and build rapport. What can you do to put yourself in the best position for effective class management? As teachers, we have many tools to influence students’ behavior and the classroom environment. The best tool is themselves. Teachers should identify the problem and be knowledgeable about what resources are available and the policies. Based on this information, we should choose what the best course of action is. The greatest tool for dealing with classroom challenges is the teacher. The teachers’ attitude inside and out has an impact on students. This can be the difference between a monotone, non-expressive teacher to a smiling, positive teacher. Of course you don’t need to be over the top nor out of character, but the subtle change in your outward expression is beneficial. Students and teachers alike do not enjoy a boring lesson. Maintaining interest can be accomplished by varying the lesson materials and using the learned information about your students. Familiarity with concepts such as specific culture points can boost positivity and increase interaction. Even if the whole class in engaged, one student may continue to be disruptive. If a student wants the attention, give it to them. Get that student more involved and give them a responsibility. When the most disruptive student is involved it can influence other disruptive students to be active too. If a teacher gets the most influential student to participate then the students’ peers will often follow. Teachers shouldn’t label a disruptive student as “bad”. Even if only done internally, it will warp your ideas about that student and may decrease your motivation to help them learn. Disruptive students are often a reflection of a different problem in disguise. A good mindset a teacher can have is that that challenge student needs help. How can you go about helping this student? Well, you should identify what the root cause is. This can mean asking the student directly. Across all cultures, students don’t want to be publicly embarrassed or shamed. If a teacher disciplines a student or pries into private matters during class it can be fueled by stress and therefore may not be the best solution. Therefore, having a private conversation with the student after or outside of the classroom can help the student feel more comfortable being sincere. One on one with a student is more intimate and can increase a positive relationship between teacher and student. What should you do when pulling the student aside is not effective in changing their behavior? Being knowledgeable of your institutions policies is important. These policies will instruct you on other resources available, often involving higher level staffs and possibly parents. Teachers have more control over classroom behavior than you may have thought. You are the greatest tool to keeping balance. A teacher that learns about their students and culture, and uses that information in the class will have a more successful class time. How you react to students is crucial. Looking down on your students is not acceptable. Teachers should keep positivity externally and internally concern the class. The ideal situation is when the teacher creates a respectful and caring environment between teacher and student as well as among students and their peers. A challenge student should be viewed as an opportunity to help them. A teacher in a good position for classroom management is understanding, can identify the reason behind students’ behavior, and finds a solution based on resources available.