Teach English in Xiangong Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiangong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

According to Motteram (2013), technology can be used to enhance students’ oral learning skills. The internet has a vast amount of information, the writer states that there are different forms of oral models. For example: recording songs, podcast and video clips. This he states can help teacher in teaching oral skills that involves pronunciation and vocabulary learning. The writer also states that this can help teachers in teaching this as some teacher may not be comfortable or confident in their own oral skills. With the use of the technology students can also record themselves and play it back at a later date. This affords the students the opportunity to replay and listen to their own grammatical errors. Another advantage that was highlighted by the writer was video conferencing. Sometimes as educators our lessons would be more interesting if we could have resource personnel. Technology can afford this opportunity. Motteram (2013) states that video conferencing continues to be a highly efficient way of inviting visitors in the classroom. Not only that but students able to collaborate with each other outside of the classroom. The writer also added that video conferencing can bring specialist English teacher in the classroom to direct teaching. One of the challenges teachers face is that often time students don’t have the necessary text in order to facilitate learning. The writer highlighted that with the aid of the internet students can have access to the material. In addition digital text and electronic books can inspire students to read. Some of these texts have the feature where students can listen to the text being read. It can also be motivating for students to write and publish their one writing. This therefore encourages students to use language for a specific purpose and audience. Herb (2013) also gave some possible ways in which technology can be used in the teaching and learning process the writer gave the example of teachers creating flash cards as an effort to help students in memorising large content. The writer stated that this method was saId to be tested and proven. Drigas and Charami (2016), was also in agreement as they seek to highlight the ways in which technology can be used to enhance learning. This they called ICT and the four skills namely; listening, writing, reading and speaking. All of which are key skills in portraying competence within the English language. While Motteram (2013) informed us that tools such as recordings can help students in their oral skills as they are able to playback and assess their speaking. Drigas and Charami (2016) added that these tools can also help to develop students’ listening skills. Listening comprehension can be difficult to teach however, through the use of digital stories students are able to assist students in developing this skill effortlessly and at the same time students will be having fun while they are engaged in their own learning process. As it relates to reading In addition to listen, there is also speaking, reading and writing. As it relates to speaking the writers present that Windows media player (audio- visual), which is a basic computer software programme has proved to enhance creative thinking, flexibility, motivation, confidence amongst other positive qualities. On the other hand technology has been doing the same for students and the development of their reading skills. The writers highlighted the fact that online reading is a task that appears to be necessary for the 21st century learners. Electronic –books are an appealing and intriguing way in which one can introduce reading materials to students. How effective is the use of technology in the classroom today? According to James & Hollenbeck (2009) based on research that was done in various studies it is evident that technology allows educators to refine teaching strategies and learning processes. The writers highlighted the fact that technology an effective methods because it facilitates acceptance. In other words the use of technology within the teaching and learning encourages cooperative learning, strategy that has numerous benefits; one such is provision of communication opportunities. The writers presented that when students utilized technology this will further facilitate communication and language skills; which are vital skills for success in the classroom and out of school. In addition, it was stated that information technology makes it possible to address preferences through creating learning environment that creates and foster integrated curriculum, collaborative learning, language acquisition, literacy skills among others. Integrating technology within lessons will provide a conducive environment one which will accommodate students with different ways of knowing and learning. As expressed by the writer the use of the technology within the classroom will foster creativity in an effort to provide authentic and meaningful experiences. This therefore allow students to become active participants in their own learning as they acquire the necessary skills. Even though one may argue that technology might have its negative implications if it is utilized with the classroom the advantages surpasses the disadvantages.. The benefits of the use of technology within the classroom that was highlighted in the aforementioned paragraph lends room the effectiveness of this tool, if it is manipulated properly. According to herb (2016) the use of technology within the classroom has been on a steady rise, as there has been a demand for instructional technology. The writer states that students today are finding technology- enabled classrooms fun, inviting and very engaging. Additionally, the writer outlined the fact that since improved student engagement can lead to enhance learning, the use of technology can be an effective method that can be used to teach next-generation learners. In addition to that, the use of technology can support active learning, active learning as was expressed by the writer is about involving students in educational activities. When students are involved in their own learning, this can therefore result in the development of their critical thinking skills of the language, while on the other hand they are learning how to be independent individuals. The use of technology today in the classroom is best for the future.