Teach English in Qinghua Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qinghua Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is an educational process that in most cases takes place in the classroom. The words associated with classroom are first and foremost teacher, students, writing board, chairs and desks and so on. In most countries where English is the foreign language, classroom is the only place for creating English speaking environment: posters on the walls, books and magazines, space for role-playing, conversations and debates. Teacher is the person who creates the sound environment, involves all learners in the various activities, ensures that language point is understood, evaluates in the classroom. Such factors as the age of learners, their social background, number in class and level of knowledge sometimes make it difficult for a teacher to conduct a lesson. Hence, to optimize the uncomfortable situation in the classroom it is advisable for every teacher to improve the teaching skills. Browsing internet sites one can find lots of information on teaching skills from tips on successful teaching ( ) to scientific research in the form of booklet, article or book ( Assessing teaching skills in Higher Education Uppsala Universitet). The latter issue contains International research studies that emphasize three aspects when defining teaching skills. They focus on • What teachers do (different kinds of abilities) • Different kinds of knowledge that teachers need in order to be able to act in the best possible way • Attitudes and underpinning values that teachers embrace and apply. ( Assessing teaching skills in Higher Education Uppsala Universitet). According to most of the other available web resources the following definition can be find: Teaching skills include patience, creativity, communication and collaboration, likeable personality and self- discipline ( Below I would like to comment on each skill mentioned above. So, the first and foremost is patience because the results of teaching process are seen within the certain period of time. Teacher’s work equals to digging a well with a needle. As English saying goes Slowly but steadily teachers introduce, explain, practice, organize, engage and assess. Only those teachers who consider teaching profession as calling understand that patience is very important for them, and devote all their life for this trade. The second in the list is creativity. With the years a teacher matures and gains the experience which resulted in implementing teaching skills. Skilled teacher uses all his/her mastery to make the process of learning a fun. Proactive teacher uses all tools and realia to engage students in the learning process and make the message clear. The next important skill is communication and collaboration. The tendency to have learner-centered lesson requires communication among learners, consequently a teacher should be able to provide certain activities to improve learners’ communicative skills. Moreover, skilled teacher himself is engaged in the activity to show the learners the interest in what they are doing together. Teachers who use role-plays, discussions, storytelling activities and project work in their classes can see how their learners within the short period of time overcome the language barrier. The forth skills that a teacher should acquire is to have a likeable personality. Stepping into the classroom a teacher immediately is being screened by the learners. Mood, appearance, dress code, gestures, and so on influences the lesson flow. Teacher can see his/her reflection in students’ behavior and attitude to the subject. I always try to create warm relationship with my students when entering the classroom by jolly greeting them. This act guarantees the active rapport from their side and makes them feel at ease during the lesson. I also follow the etiquette for teachers, which makes me a model for the rest. Such features as common sense, politeness, erudition and helpfulness are highly valued by learners. The last but not least skill that any educator should develop in himself is self-discipline. Personally I would put this skill in the first place, because from my observations I can say that this is the weak point of most of the teachers. Like our students we try to find excuses for not doing something, procrastinate and blame others in our misfortunes. The ones who plan their day are organized and can maintain the order in class, also they achieve a lot of things. The solution is in planning and managing personal time. In the following site teachers can find a list of teaching skills given in alphabetic order, which is rather long but detailed. Some people believe that teaching skills are inborn traits, others think that one can develop these skills during the years. In my opinion, teaching skills are gained from the environment in which the person from his childhood abides, also from the person who impacts on the young creature and leaves the positive attitude to teaching activity. Resuming the information presented above, I can say that teaching skills in the classroom when are looked from the different angles may be very fascinating issue and self-driven teachers may serve as the model for the rest teaching society, so as they manifest all those qualities that we all admire when speaking about a Teacher. I would like to conclude with the following citation “Teaching is an incredibly rewarding thing to do and good teachers are needed everywhere: in schools and college classrooms to educate the young, as well as in the workplace and other settings to teach adults and colleagues”. (