Teach English in Lengdixia Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lengdixia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching one to one When teaching one to one you must come up with your own material. There are not many resources available for you to use so you will have to adapt. Here are some ways in which teaching one to one is different from teaching groups. Classroom management. Other than deciding where you and your student should sit and how to best manage physical resources, there is little else to be done. Materials. You will almost always have to adapt existing materials to suit your lesson plan Timing and structure. The pace of one to one classes is usually decided by the student and their needs rather than an institution’s course/term structure. There is also flexibility in the length of classes, which can be timed around learning aims rather than a timetable. Roles and relationship. Teaching one to one is more intimate. It takes a lot of the focus off the teacher and places it on the student. Pressures. The need to achieve results can be much greater for the teacher, but the student may feel less pressure because there no others in the class. Motivations. Students are often highly motivated to learn when they have chosen it themselves rather than an employer requiring a group to learn for work reasons. Advantages. 1.The student has the teachers undivided attention. 2.The student has more say in the aims of the class, pace, and materials. 3.The student can use the teacher as a resource. 4.It is easier for the student to have a more intimate productive relationship with the teacher. 5.The needs of the student can be addressed in detail because there is more flexibility in timing and structure 6.It is a great opportunity for the teacher to engage in real interaction, learn and get to know the student better. 7.The teacher only has to teach at one level. Disadvantages. 1.Students might feel too much pressure and might be embarrassed to practice a new language and make mistakes when all the focus is on them. 2.The student and the teacher may not get along with eachother. 3.The lessons could become boring if there is not enough change. 4.There might not be enough time for the student to do silent study. 5.It might be difficult to track the student’s progress without having other students to compare them to. 6.Ready made material is not easy to find. You will have to adapt. 7.No groupwork. 8.The student will have to do all the work. 9.There is very little material dedicated to one to one teaching. Teaching groups Advantages 1.Students learn better communication and teamwork skills 2.When students work together they can teach eachother. 3.Students learn to plan more effectively and manage their time. 4.The teacher will have the content reinforced by giving the students ways to apply what they have learned in a collaborative setting. 5.Students can work together using their collective knowledge. Disadvantages 1.You must ensure that all activities and assignments are suitable for all students. It may be that not every student is on the same level. 2.Assignments must directly meet the learning objectives of the class aim and relate directly to the content that has been taught. 3.The teacher will need to monitor each group, provide feedback and assist when necessary. 4.Students may have difficulty making decisions in a group setting. 5.The students may not get along with eachother, making pair work difficult. No matter whether you choose to teach groups or one to one there are important guidelines to follow with both. Be professional. Get involved as much as possible. Discuss your students needs and aims with them. Explain what you are doing and why. Always give an example of what you expect of them. Be flexible. Use different methods and techniques. Set limits and boundaries from the start. Give and get feedback. Give homework to help your students learn. Push your students. Know when to stop. Remember to praise their efforts.