Teach English in Chencang Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chencang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I have gained the knowledge for teaching skills in the classroom about the role of teacher such as facillitator, istructor, mentor counsellor, policeman and the last one is psychologist. And I undestood the differences between the one to clients and group classes for this case we have to be more carefull when we have group lessons Because each student may have different language level the thing we should arrange for them is to adjust suitable lesson plan by considering their levels . As for one to one lesson, the student will have more likely more chance to drill the vital knowledge of english by being only one student and having more chance to interact more with teacher and finally she or he has much more time to practice the topic rather than the group students. The another crucial case is about the learning style like writting,speaking ,listenning pronunciation and reading, for example if we want student to improve the pronunciation level we had better to provide different accents to elicit easliy, As teacher we must pay attantion the mothods should be used so that we have more chance for to learn in advance. we should have the skills of first meeting with businnes student or students before deciding class or level of english learning process firstly, as teachers We set up a short exam which is about the diognistic of their english proficiency to make sure that students have a acceptable english language elevel before teaching the bussiness tecnical language after that the best choice to engage the students to lesson is to invite to think the main words they neeed to know so that they carry out their own bussiness duty easliy during their work times The another phase of course should be study section is to give them role plays to learn main words whic are related with the specific bussiness language on their occupations. For this stage we can give them some worksheet to make sure that they have learnt efficiently the neccessary words. Last phase of course before eveluating the lesson as teachers we must give them motivaitons to participate the activity section of course which is the most enjoyable parts of learning language and the most important part to make sure that they got the vital skills of words they neee to use in their business process. Finally , we end the lesson by eveluating their all skills to know to what extent they have learnt about the bussines words and rules. we must know differences of authentic and non authentic material which have beeen used for students to control the classroom so that teacher may know how to organize the learning process during lesson. while non authentic materian are flash cards, cross words, word research, picture stories role play cards and games, they are material , the authentic materials are newspapers , songs , songs, poems , brochures magazines and menus. Teachers must be aware of the organization of lesson so that we may have have more chance to arrange out teaching skills such as defining procedure, learning objective , personel aims , anticipated problems for students and the anticipates for theachers when we decide to design the ESA leson plan firstly, we should encourage to think and expressing the knovledge they know about the language point. Then , we must write down the main words on board to help them elicit, Later, in order to find the main diffucult words for student to learn during learning process we had better to activate the 3 / 3 drilling practice. The next phase is that we should introduce the role play section about the mock job interview as pair work and group works by giving time to preaper questions and answers and the Final stage is that the perform the role play activities the end of the practice as teachers we should praise them to show our the pleased emotions. As a teachers, we should also have the below skills like, 1. Enjoying communicating our understanding to others. There is definitely a performance element to most teaching. Our section on interpersonal skills, including effective speaking, covers this in more detail, and there is a great deal of overlap with presentation skills. 2. Having confidence. we will need the confidence to look calm and professional even when tired and stressed. 3. Having great organisational skills. Have we prepared for the session and done any marking in time? Have we kept what is needed for anyone in the group who was away? 4. Working effectively in groups. In a school or college, we may be part of a group that teach at your level or within your subject. If so, we will have to agree between you what is to be taught and how to deal with any difficulties. 5. Being able to deal with conflict. There may be students who need to be told to work harder, or a disagreement between students that we need to help to sort out. 6. Motivating our students to do their best. This may require encouragement and/ or criticism, and probably a bit of both at different times. 7. Empathising with our Students. If we can see that our students are exhausted, there may be no point in trying to teach a very complicated topic. we need to create a feeling that we are all working together towards the same goal. This means building up trust and rapport. I feel so satisfied With experriencing the knowledge relating with bussiness english certification course.