Teach English in Anle Zhen - Baoji Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Anle Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Baoji Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To know how to create lesson plan, first we need to know what lesson is. It is an organized set of activities designed to present one piece of your course while working toward achieving one or more learning objective. Lesson and Lecture have two different meanings , not to be confused. We may have more than one lesson in a 90 minute lecture. A lecture is a teaching technique that you can use to facilitate your lesson. Every lesson is a complete segment that you create for the purposes of new learning. Keep our students in mind as we plan a lesson and ask ourselves certain questions: Who are my students? What do they already know? Why should they learn about this? What must they learn? What must they do to learn? The parts, or stages, of the lesson determine what the instructor and students do. Regardless of activity or lecture, each lesson should created on the last and flow seamlessly into the next. The techniques we plan to use in our lessons depend on couple of factors such as: -the types of students in your class and their previous knowledge -the type of learning we are aiming for -the physical teaching environment and the available equipment and resources To convey information we can use: lecture ,field trips,discussion group, interviewing an expert, selected reading, case studies, demonstration by an expert. Couple of questions to ask ourselves when preparing lesson plan: 1. Students: What are the academic, social, physical, personal, and emotional needs of our students? 2. Strategies: Which teaching strategies will best facilitate our students' learning? 3. Grouping: Should we group heterogeneously or homogeneously? What size should my groups be? 4. Timing: When is the best time to do this lesson? Are there prerequisites our my students should have mastered? 5. Materials: What materials and human resources do we need for the lesson to be successful? 6. Success: Was the lesson successful? Were our students interested? Did our students learn? What didn't work? What will we do differently next time? 7. Sequence: What can we do next to build upon this lesson? How can we make it flow? 8. Rationale: What is the reason for doing this? What objectives will be accomplished? Our lessons should be readable and detailed enough that a substitute teacher could teach from them in an emergency. Consider making a copy or two of each week's plan. This also allows us to work at home on preparing materials for upcoming lessons and on planning for the following week without fear of misplacing the lessons. Work on plans for the next week. By then we should have an idea of which lessons weren't completed, the objectives that need to be reinforced, and which upcoming school-wide activities need to be integrated into our plan. Make a master copy or template of the planning pages we use, and write or type those activities that stay the same each week and the times they occur. Make several copies of the new page to replace the blank lesson-plan pages, but not copy them too far in advance, in case we change our weekly schedule. Then just fill in the blanks on the copies with specifics for the week. Balancing grouping schedule and activities in each learning style or multiple intelligence type so we are meeting the needs of all our students. Check with our principal for guidelines on when he or she will want to look at our lesson plans. Some principals make a point of viewing new teachers' lesson plans on a weekly basis so they can provide on-the-spot assistance throughout the school year.