Teach English in Zhongchang Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhongchang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management begins well before the lesson commences, preparation of the lesson is vital so it can flow continually without gaps therefore maintaining students interest. Strategic placing of students seating arrangements can have a positive effect on the class in a number of ways, pairing a quieter student with a more vocal can have involve the quieter student and gain confidence from the experience. Placing the students names on the chairs or tables can also help in a variety of ways it can save moving the students later for a planned activity such as pair or group work and the students mix with different personalities.Management of the lesson is maintained when the teacher has all necessary resourses on hand so the lesson can run fluently as well as the students being equipped with the necessary items and any item the teacher wants the students to focus on to perhaps start the engage process of the lesson. The teacher needs to be clear and concise when greeting the students and pleasant in nature when explaining the requirements of the lesson about to be given including any specific requests such as no mobile phone usage during class time and raising of a hand if anybody has further requests or questions during the class. To begin the class the teacher needs to maintain eye contact and again speak clearly and at a volume everybody can hear without being demanding or intimidating, provide variations in the learning process and encourage questions and opinions. Encourage all students to speak and ensure all students respect the speaker, wherever possible add humour to the class which will create a relaxed experience for the students. Following an answer or opinion of a student provide encouragement which may prompt other students to also have an opinion or comment, if the entire class has comments or questions the class will learn without even realising it and the language becomes fun to learn. The classroom can be a stressful place so the teacher must be aware when the students become restless and lose concentration perhaps request feedback from the students at this stage to regain involvement from those students. Aim to maintain variety in the lesson so the energy in the class is evident, if several students appear distracted or left out and are not contributing maintain the flow of the class and ask these students if they have any opinions on future lessons or ideas on subjects they may want to learn more about, However many lessons in the classroom experience negative behaviour with disruptive students. This is where classroom management is vital because of the varying situations. If this the disruptive behaviour is observed early non verbal gestures towards the student can help so as not to disrupt the rest of the class, these gestures could be as simple as eye contact. Encourage students response during the class and encourage feedback before moving through the phases of the lesson will greatly improve the ability to develop rappot with the class which will lead to a mutual respect between teacher and student.As the teacher you should put in some time and effort to learn the students names and monitor each students personality, some students are quieter in nature and by repeatedly asking that student to answer questions they may feel singled out or intimidated try to address all students equally and involve all in the learning activities which will increase student talk time. In conclusion a classroom with a happy well organised teacher that has good rapport with the students will create a relaxed atmosphere for the students to gain knowledge happily and grow confidence and actually enjoy learning.