Teach English in Zhengyang Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhengyang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

After completing these units, the one topic that stood out to me was motivation. I spent three years overseas in the military. The primary language was French and do not speak or understand anything aside from English. I found this very frustrating at times, and often discouraging. I can only imagine what it would be like to learn another language for an employment opportunity, or just for more knowledge and understanding. Offering motivation as a teacher would be a key to success in my eyes. If the students feel motivated by your words of encouragement and your willingness to help, it can only bring desire to improve. In second language learning, motivation is the critical force which determines whether a learner embarks on a task, how much energy the student(s) devotes to it, and how long he perseveres. You can motivate students in several ways, i.e. paired or group working. This task would motivate students to help each other, talk amongst themselves, learn from the other students, and correct each other. Another way to motivate is to maintain proper eye contact. This motivates the student by showing them you are interested in what they have to say. Limited eye contact, or none at all can be discouraging and show lack of interested. Limiting error correction and choosing the right time to correct is a proper way to motivate. If a teacher or instructor concentrates far too much on correction, the students can be come intimidated, and afraid to make a mistake. Position of students can also contribute a lack of motivation. It is important not to have one student sitting alone or outside the groups. Instead, try to leave a fair amount, but not so much a space because large distances between the students will tend to lead to a “muted” atmosphere, low pace, and less active student participation in the lesson. As for the teacher, it is important to limit the time you turn your back away from the class. Facing the students, helps them to feel involved, and will help to have eye contact with you. This can also motivate the amount of class involvement and participation. A teacher should always come in with a great attitude. Students need to feel welcome, and like they are a part of the class, and that you are willing to help. As a teacher, it is our job to motivate them and encourage them to be successful. This does not mean always giving them the answers, however encouraging them in the right directions can only make them feel like you are there to assist and not enable failure. Motivation a one of many keys to success in learning and retaining information. Learning can be fun, and I have learned several ways to motivate not only students but others in my life. Without motivation an individual can feel as if they are not doing well enough, or that their trying is not appreciated. These are only a few of the many ways to incorporate proper teaching tools.