Teach English in Xinglong Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinglong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Child development is the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occurs in human being between birth and the end of adolescences. During this process a child progresses from dependency on their parents/ guardians to increasing independence. ' Child development ' is the term used to describe the changes in child's physical growth, as well as his/her abilities to learn the social, emotional, behaviour, thinking and communication skills he/she needs for life. All of these areas are linked and each depends on and influences the others. A child's emotional development consists of understanding, expressing and managing his/her emotions, while social development includes his/her behaviour with other people. In the first five years of life, child's brain develops more and faster than at any other time in his/her life. Child's early experiences - his/her relationships and the things he sees, hears, touches, smells and tastes - stimulate his/her brain, creating millions of connections. In the early years, child's main way of learning and developing is through ' Play '. Play is fun for child and gives him/her an opportunity to explore, observe, experiment, solve problems and learn from his/her mistakes. In this situation he/she will need support and encouragement from the parents. Lots of time spent playing, talking , listening and interacting with the parents help child to learn the skills he/she needs for life. These skills include communicating, thinking , solving problems , moving and being with other people and children. Being physically active gets child moving. It develops his reflex actions, helps him/her think and gives him/her an opportunity for active play, both inside and outside. If the parents are active child is likely to follow them. The preschooler learns the social skills needed to play and work with other children. As time passes, the child is better able to cooperate with a large no. of children. It is normal for preschoolers to test their physical, behavioural and emotional limits. When a child is starting school, parents should bear in mind that there can be big differences among children ages 5 to 6 in terms of attention span, reading readiness and fine motor skills. The parents should handle this touchy issues very carefully to allow the proper growth of the child. Studies show that harsh parenting practices - like shouting, rough punishing, shaming- can cause the child to either become unusually indifferent or hyper-sensitive. On the other hand, a loving, caring, trustful relationship with child can help him/her become an emotionally mature individual. Promoting child development through parental training, among other factors, promotes excellent rates of child development. Parents play a large role in a child's life, socialisation, and development. Having multiple parents can add stability to the child's life and therefore encourage health development. Another influential factor in a child's development is the quality of their care. Child care programs presents a useful opportunity for the promotion of child development. Parents physical and mental health is an important part of raising a child. But with all the focus on looking after a child or baby, lots of parents and carers forget or run out of time to look after themselves. Looking after yourself will help the parents with the understanding, patience, imagination and energy needs to raise the child. The optimal development of children is considered vital to society and so it is important to understand the social, cognitive, emotional, and educational development of children. Increased research and interest in this field has resulted in new theories and strategies, with specific regard to practice that promote development within the school system. There are also some theories that seek to describe a sequence of states that compose child development. Teacher, related to child development, play an important role in a society. They inspire young minds, expose them to the joys of learning and give them the foundation for life long success. In this aspect ITTT's TEFL ( Teaching English as a Foreign Language ) / TESOL ( Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Language ) plays an important role. They provide high quality & interesting classroom activities, full of fun and logic, which activates the mental development of the child.