Teach English in Shuhe Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is the core of an English course. A non-motivated student will never be able to learn. That is since learning a language is a very long and exhausting process. Not only does the learner have to learn an unlimited number of new words but also, he must be able to acquire the grammar of the targeted language and how to use it fluently in a variety of contexts. Thus, to master a language effectively, it should take at least one to two years. So, unless you are consistent determined and devoted you had better quit. Here is the part where most of the people fail. At first, they come to the classroom with a lot of enthusiasm and a genuine desire to learn especially the adult learners (as opposed to the young learners who do not always make the free choice to learn the is generally their parents who force them to attend). However, after a few classes their enthusiasm starts to fade away and boredom takes over. Faced with the difficulties of grammar rules, uncommon topics, challenging spelling unhappy expressions start to appear on the faces of the students and sometimes they choose to stop trying and quit. This is one of the reasons for the lack of motivation in the class. Yet, the difficulty of the course is not the only reason. It is all within the teacher’s control. A great teacher can inspire his learners and giving them a strong ongoing desire and passion to learn more and overcome the challenges. How is that possible? During the first session the trainer must give them a motivational speech about how consistency and passion for English are the essential keys to success. He/she should remind them that it is not easy but also a very rewarding process. Besides, the trainer has got to be very true to their words and keep their promises and be very punctual and hardworking to set an example for the students because speeches don’t stand alone. People are always impressed by role models and are willing to transform in order to live up to their leader’s. The teacher is nothing less than a leader. Furthermore, English is a very cool language. That mean that the course must not be delivered in a rigid way like math or any other technical subject. English is to be enjoyed: the trainer must prepare a variety of funny entertaining activities and implement them in the classroom to break the ice with the students and encourage them to open- up and do more talking. Also, the topic and texts must be selected based on the preferences and interests of the learners. For this reason, the smart teacher gets to know their learners better by asking them a lot of engaging questions. This brings us to our next point. The teacher is supposed to engage each and everyone in the class and make them feel important and give them the time to talk and express themselves in a safe environment. This depends on the trainer’s class management skills. Another important matter is praising the students. Some teachers may not be aware of this but providing a genuine positive feedback does wonders to the student’s self esteem especially the beginners. They will try to keep impressing their instructor by showing a continuous progress. So, try not criticize and over correct because that is very counter-productive. Correct only when necessary. All in all: Be funny, creative, punctual, passionate about what you do, true to your words, respectful, encouraging and hard working with leadership skills and you will have the best results with students who worship your class.