Teach English in Shuanghekou Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuanghekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

**************************************Background Information******************************************* Assignment assumes a investment company expanding abroad is seeking a trainer to improve their business English communication. Company Initial Meeting HR - Students lack confidence to speak with foreigners to conduct everyday-tasks in the work environment, and also unfamiliar with many English related investments words. They are quite busy overall but interested in the course. Needs Analysis Questionnaire given to see which areas of work need improvement (1-5, 5 is most needed), of 14 surveyed most needed are: (1) Conference calls, (2) Presentations, (3) Emailing, (4) Saying numbers and trends, (5) Meetings, (6) Socializing Syllabus Theory Ranking (1) Learner-led - it will focus on the specific needs of the learner as identified by HR and the students (3) Task-based - it will focus on the specific tasks required of the students (2) Situational-based - it will focus on the situations they will find themselves (4) Skill-based - it will focus on investment related English (5) Functional/notional-based - it will focus on functions performed (6) Structural-based - will not be the priority of the class but will include proper tenses as part of case-study writing assignments (7) Content-based - less new content will be needed for the course Evaluate Resources Available: Teacher: is competent in the subject matter (not necessary but an advantage) and familiar with the working environment and needs of a large corporation (both US multi-national and Chinese firms) Situation: office situations can be replicated to create a suitable environment for practice and study during on-site lesson Needs Analysis: further needs analysis to be conducted to help (1) make the syllabus tailor-made to the student or (2) help determine which type of class they should take, and determine the authentic material to use. Materials: Authentic materials, ideally company documents or highly related public materials (news or media reports, case-studies, annual reports); audio and video recordings, Production: Role play (most suitable) Teaching aids: White Board, Markers (Blue, Red, and Black), Whiteboard Eraser, Notebooks and Pen, Timer, Board Plan, Extra Pencils and Paper, Class Outline and Schedule (Available) *Considering resources, all are suitable except that there should be new content related to their field and limited grammar focus. The focus is on using and expanding spoken English. ***********************************Syllabus Starts From Here:****************************************** Objectives This course will enable students to host conference calls, conduct presentations, email, say numbers and trends, host meetings, and socialize in a corporate setting using English with confidence. • develop the language and skills to lead conference calls, host meetings, socialize, and conduct presentations in English • develop the skills and confidence to effectively communicate using email in English • bring the audience to follow, understand, believe, remember, and take action on what you say Target This course is for managers and executives of corporations that recently have, or are seeking to, internationalize. Targeting they key pain-points of English communication in the daily work environment. A minimum of upper-intermediate English level is recommended Core Content The course program covers: getting and keeping the attention of the audience, identifying and emphasizing the key messages, delivering messages effectively and concisely, handling questions, using visuals - charts and graphs, and structuring presentations around the audience. • building credibility with the audience • understanding the expectations of the audience in terms of persuasion, style, and structure • handling questions and constructively assessing ourselves to enhance future deliveries • different feedback styles The course has been structured to cover a two-week period in one-hour week-day sessions. Day One - Introductions and Socializing 5m E - Warm-up (introductions) 5m S1 - Course structure 5m S2 - Case study method introduction “Each of you are managers/executives from different branches of the same company then brought to America to expand the recently acquired local investment company. Today is your introductory meeting in America.” 10m S3 - Socializing phrases 15m A1 - Socializing game 20m A2 - Intro classmate (Present Tense) Day Two - Emails 10m E - Bad and good email review 10m S1 - Case study - company news update read together, discuss what company will focus on. 10m S2 - What is needed for an effective email? Learn new phrases. 10m S3 - “Write a detailed email, addressed to your new co-workers to coordinate a mandatory meeting.” 20m A - Read emails aloud (Present Continuous Tense) Day Three - Meetings 10m E - Bad meeting video + discuss 10m S1 - Phrases + Practice: (1) Starting a meeting, (2) Changing topics, (3) Addressing questions, (4) Keeping on point, (5) Bringing a meeting to close 20m S2 - Case Study - Work as a team to review the case to find what has improved or gone wrong and update, have each member participate - provide an update point, opener, closer, etc. “CEO would like to have a meeting with the team and have an update on progress” 20m A - Teacher is CEO, students provide update and host the meeting (Past Tense) Day Four - Group Project and Presentation 10m E - Good meeting video + discuss 10m S1 - Review presentation language: (1) Starting a presentation, (2) Changing Slides, (3) Graphs/Images, (4) Asking/Answering Questions, (5) Closing a meeting 30m S2 - Case Study “CEO commends on the good progress and asks that the team put together a presentation proposal for next week on what they feel would be the best next course of action to capitalize on a recent market opportunity (next class). Students must assign for themselves roles and responsibilities; all students must participate in the presentation.” 10m A - Presentation language (Future Tense) Day Five - Presentation One 5m E - Company news on board (ambiguous) - Ask what does it mean? 15m S - Give teams time to sort/practice/finalize their presentations 40m A - Presentations Day Six - Conference Calls 10m E - Listen to a conference call. Ask what were the key points of the call? 10m S1 - Language (phrases) 10m S2 - Case Study - CEO very pleased with the results and wants to have a conference call to discuss and brainstorm ideas for how to implement your project. Plan what it is each will say on the call, and when to say it. (Present Tense - what your doing) 30m A - Practice conference call (seat facing away from each other), using key words and phrases to discuss new idea (thinking on the spot) Day Seven - Numbers and Trends 10m E - Listen to a financial forecast and discuss what he said, how he said it, what was bad or good about it? Any questions? 10m S1 - New Language - learn the new phrases to use (Future Tense) 15m S2 - CEO has asked for a forecast of profitability of the new project, its costs, and payback - students to prepare a report on this for Activate stage. 25m A - Have the students present on various forecasts they have been given, using key words. Day Eight - Presentations Two 10m E - Show them 4 slides (idea, plan, forecast, action) let them discuss each. 15m S - In groups of 4, the students are to self organize themselves into groups, who will take on what task. 35m A - Students are to do a practice round of what they will say for the final assessment, and ask the teacher for help and guidance, feedback. Day Nine - Review and Buffer Class T.B.D. Review key points. Extra class time if needed. Day 10 - Course Evaluation, Final Assessment, and Final Presentations 5m Evaluation 15m Final Assessment 40m Final Presentations