Teach English in Shizhuan Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shizhuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What would a classroom be without a teacher? Teachers have many different roles in the classroom and in process of educating students. In this paper, six different roles of a teacher will be presented and explained. The six roles are: instructor, facilitator, mentor, psychologist, counsellor, and policeman. All of these roles are important for a teacher to be able to demonstrate in order to properly manage, control, understand, interact, and educate students. Below, these six roles are examined in further detail, however, not in order of importance. All of the six roles are equally important to have a well-balanced and successful teacher. First, a teacher should be a facilitator. In this role, a teacher in the knower of a certain knowledge. They are the expert of a certain topic or issue. As an instructor, a teacher gives the students a description of the course and tells the students what the objectives are. In this role, the teacher also communicates to the students what is expected and required of them. This role requires the teacher to prepare lessons, syllabuses, and course schedules. They present knowledge to students in a way they are able to understand and absorb the new information. An instructor uses different resources in an effective way to help students learn knowledge. Instructors assess and evaluate students’ strengths and weakness. As an instructor, a teacher tests the students and assigns homework. Second, a teacher should be a facilitator. In this role a teacher is responsible for creating a good learning environment for students to learn in. The teacher has to facilitate the learning process by getting the students engaged and interested. As a facilitator, a teacher should give the students some freedom, let them be creative and innovative. To encourage the students to get involved and actively participate in the class and their learning process. Stimulate discussions and teamwork activities amongst the students. Let the students work together and on their own to define new words, to comprehend readings, to understand grammatical concepts, and to correct writing mistakes. The teacher as a facilitator, corrects the misinformation or gives helpful tips that clarify some vague matters in the text. Third, a teacher should be a mentor and a role model. For a teacher to be a good mentor to their students, they must first build trust with their students. After a teacher has received the trust of their students, they can advise and guide them using the knowledge and experience they have gained throughout their life and career. A teacher can provide emotional and moral support to their students, and give them specific feedback regarding difficult situations. As a mentor, a teacher can guide the students regarding their future goals, opportunities, and identity. We all know how difficult and confusing it can be growing up, teachers can play a valuable role as a mentor and helping their students to make sense of a difficult or confusing situation and to realize their potential. Fourth, a teacher should be a psychologist. Inevitably, students will have personal problems to deal with in their lives which may affect their moods, study habits, and performance in class. Students may become sad, depressed, anxious, and stressed. They may give up or loose hope. It’s important for a teacher to be there for their students. A teacher can lead a sympathetic ear to students, encourage them to share their personal problems with you, be a good listener, and most importantly be understanding. If the student’s personal problems are above your psychologist capabilities, then refer them to someone who is more experienced and qualified to deal with the student’s specific problems. Fifth, teacher should be a counselor. An important role of a teacher is to give guidance to students, as well as to show and concern. A teacher as a counselor, should help to guide the students regarding their personal growth and positive change through self-understanding. It’s not just about giving the students advice but about helping to guide them to make the right decisions for themselves. A teacher may come to their own conclusions about any problems or issues the students may be facing, and then provide suggestions or methods for helping the student with their issues. The teacher should be; kind, caring, understanding, a good listener, sympathetic, sensitive, positive, motivating, and trustworthy. Sixth, A teacher should be a policeman. A teacher needs to control the students’ behavior in the classroom. This is called classroom management. This is more difficult to do with younger students who tend to have more restless energy and shorter attention spans. A teacher needs to set rules for the class and enforce them. It’s important that the class rules are laid down at the beginning of the course and that all the students clearly understand them. A system of punishments should be established for those students who can’t follow the rules, as well as a system of rewards for those students who go above and beyond what is expected of them. The teacher must show the students that the class rules are very important and will not be overlooked. In conclusion, being a good teacher isn’t an easy job. Good teachers are expected to assume many different roles, all of which are important to the education and development of students. It is important for a teacher to understand their different roles well. Of course, no teacher is perfect, but through experience and trying to truly understand your students’ needs and behavior, a teacher can achieve success and feel the satisfaction of accomplishment and a job well done.