Teach English in Niuti Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Niuti Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER By Martin Tierney Introduction What is a teacher? Is it someone who helps us learn about knowledge, values and being competent to communicate with other humans, this above all sets humans apart from all other life species known to man. Most people recognise teachers as school teachers but in every aspect of living , we as people are subjected to being taught( learning) on an everyday basis Those who are parents, coaches , instructors are all teachers, although not all in language or communication but all contribute to people acquiring knowledge, values and receptive and productive skills. The Coach or Instructor by setting out disiplines, handing out written material- reading, barking out instructions during training-listening, getting people to encourage others-speaking and keeping attendance records where people sign and write their names and times- writing. This often goes unseen or expected. The parent who in our first years sacrifices time, love and effort into teaching the necessary skills to be able to survive and be socially accepted and become ready for school years. Of course not all parents can cope or achieve these objectives nor for those who can does their responsibilities stop at the beginning of school years. 2 The roles of Teachers The main role of a teachers is to add value to the learning of each student in your care1 . (1) CIRRICLUM EDUCATORS The role of the teacher has changed since I was at school. Then the teachers was presented a curriculum to teach and instructions on how to teach it , no matter the level of the student. In high schools in Australia, specifically Victoria, Teachers had their specialty subjects and taught them. Some took the role of counselor helping student realize their strengths and weakness no matter their situation (2) MENTORS Due to the age of primary students, teachers can easily become Mentors and add a positive outlook to a student by previous achievements, showing patiences in a child’s learning, setting strong examples in disciplines and perseverance, showing compassion to certain events eg: My grade 3 Teacher Mr B2 could see I was being bullied and took me aside and told me”i had to stand up for myself”. I bought my father's boxing gloves to school and he taught me to box. I was never bullied again after those words. Later I became a Martial art instructor, a boxing instructor and worked security for 10 years without throwing a punch. The relevance my father had boxing gloves was lost on me at that stage. Those few words and a little bit of perception taught me self independence, being able to not be scared of bullies, who normally turn to crying babies when stood up to. He was my first mentor. In other aspects an experienced teacher can become a mentors to inexperienced teachers (3) EVALUATORS/ ASSESSOR Teachers during their career will evaluate students on their performance though out a school year by means of tests and assignments. The teacher must be consistent and fair in their comments about students and must not show favoritism to any students of the opposite sex (4) MANAGER/CONTROLLER The teacher, while standing in front of the class explains an(4) activity or a grammar structure, the teacher takes control of the class the students listen and follow instructions (5) COUNSELOR In the past teachers could act as counselor's but in today's world there are people who are trained specifically to counsel, Guidence Counselors, School Psychologists but the teacher can counsel if no other option is available.. There will be times when the student seeks help or advice (6) THE POLICEMAN A Teacher will occasionally need to take control of a class so they can be organized in position for certain activities. The teacher must command authority when dealing in large class groups to maintain a smooth operating class (7) FACILITATOR What is the difference between a facilitator and a teacher? Ask 100 people and get 100 different explanations I use these examples Ronald Jeyapaul, Professor3 Traditionally, teachers are the ones with knowledge and expertise in a particular field. They impart that knowledge through a variety of means to their students. Facilitators build on the knowledge base of the group of students to find the answers to questions. George Ramos, teaching4 Many people would say that there's no difference. These two comment highlight the confusion in discriminating between Facilitator and a Teacher. It is difficult to explain there roles, both with a separate title but little joint agreement on their function. Teacher/ facilitator, counsellor or policeman they all have the samE goal- To educate a student/ group of students in a manner to increase the student/s learning and bring out the student/s potential abilities. Their desire to share their learning and expand the knowledge of future generations. footnote-1 the conversation internet reference What is the role of a teacher (2) Name withheld, abbreviation  used (3) references Ronald Jeyapaul professor Quota What is the difference between facilitator and Teacher studied wildlife in India (4) George Ramos Quota What is the difference between facilitator and Teacher Studied at Princeton Ca, Usa