Teach English in Minzhu Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Minzhu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Sensitivity to cultural issues is vital to creating an effective and comfortable classroom experience. When we make the choice to teach in another country, a lack of understanding or observance of local cultural customs, taboos, and etiquette can create a host of problems, including embarrassment on the part of the teacher and the students alike, resentment of the teacher, or seriously offending the students. This can cause the students to stop listening and participating and could make the students unreceptive to what the instructor is trying to teach. This can cause the students to stop learning and they may adopt or intensify negative perceptions about the teacher's own culture, race, or language. In extreme cases, they may cease trying to learn English at all and develop an intense resistance to it, perhaps even dropping out of class if they are of an age that they may do so. Conversely, if a teacher goes into the classroom observing local customs and avoiding taboos, they can greatly avoid embarrassment and be well-liked by the students, who will then be eager to learn and participate. Their focus will be sharper, their attitudes will be more positive, and their absorption of the material will be made easier. The classroom environment will be made effective and comfortable. In Cambodia, and much of Southeast Asia, touching another's head is disrespectful, as is showing the soles of one's feet to another, as the head is considered sacred and the feet considered low and dirty. Use of the left hand in eating or giving anything can also be offensive as it is often used for personal hygiene and therefore considered unclean. Similarly, one should dress somewhat modestly and avoid exposing the shoulders and knees, especially at temples and other religious sites. Public displays of affection between people of the opposite sex, such as kissing and draping arms around one another, are frowned upon and seen as immodest. However, male friends may walk hand in hand as a simple display of friendship. Perhaps most important is the concept of "face". Face is like a combination of reputation and honor. To be visibly angry and yell at another is unthinkable. Appearing to not know or understand something is also avoided and often covered with smiles and possibly "white lies" to avoid loss of face. For the teacher, this means one must be sure to structure their questions and test knowledge in ways that avoid directly asking if they understand. Otherwise, they may claim to understand even if they don't and then learning is hindered. Talk of politics should be absolutely avoided. The concept of freedom of speech is not practiced and can actually lead to serious problems for the teacher and the students. Being outspoken about the local political situation will not only cause the students to lose face but could cause them to be seen as associating with an undesirable element, which can endanger them. The teacher, if too outspoken, could lose their job and perhaps even be arrested or deported. A teacher who is concerned about local politics may do best to simply help as best they can whilst avoiding politics and leaders as topics of conversation. The act of teaching English itself is a great help. As teachers, we are guests in the countries in which we teach and should behave accordingly. By being aware of these issues, observing local customs, and making a distinct effort to avoid embarrassment and loss of face, the teacher will more effectively promote the learning and absorption of lessons and cause the students to relax and enjoy the class.