Teach English in Mengshiling Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mengshiling Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning new things is never easy, specially when this thing is totally unknown for you, like a new language, for example. When you start all the learning process everything is different, you need to reprogram your brain, stop using your mother language and start to think with this new one. But how can you do this? It can be in the hard way, treating the learning process as a obligation, or, having a good time, everything is related to the answer of this question: ”how motivate are you?”. There is a lot of aspects that can influence a negative posture to a class, but the teacher can definitely be one big influencer. Imagine yourself in a classroom, at the beginning of the learning process, having boring and predictably classes, it would make you think on giving up, right? Thats why the teacher is the one who most needs to be motivated. Preparing classes, looking for new activities or just searching for a new video to show, as long as the material is suitable to the learners, it will only be inspiring the class in a positive way. One way to help keep the students motivated is having more dialogue between teachers and learners, this will make the lesson more focused on what the classroom thinks is interesting. Of course that not every learner will have the same vision of the world, thats why is good to have a mix of activities during a class, to try to keep everyone happy. Besides the good old dialogue, another thing that can help the teacher be in the same page as the learners is be aware of the class feelings. It is important to observe the students after every activity, sometimes a look (or a couple) can say a lot. From the facial expressions you can either make an activity shorter or start to do it more often. Eventually things can somehow go wrong, but as long as you have everything under control or at least your emotions, this will helps to maintain the focus of the students on the lesson. When the teacher feels that he/ she is losing the attention of the class, maybe it means that is time to change the activity. It is part of the teachers duty to know the time to stop, otherwise you will be prompting the learners in something that is not longer necessary or it is already boring. To keep having interesting and unpredictable classes, teachers need to think outside the regular material. Have an english book as a support material is always good, but it is not everything. It is also important to search for more content, different from the schools material. In the book you will find games, questions, examples, and much more, but the teacher needs to know that it isn’t a strict material. The class plan will be defined by the teacher and it can be changed anytime according what the class responds. Always try to add things that will make the learners happy, because people get motivated when they like what they are doing. So, why should an english class be any different?