Teach English in Maliu Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Maliu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Young children require a less formal approach to acquiring the use of the English language. Their acquisition is focused on learning through play. It is similar in some respects to acquiring their first language, through example from the teacher and the repetition of the daily routine. Language skills are learnt through listening before speaking. Therefore it is important that the children are exposed to the English language throughout the day. It is preferable if the use of their first language is restricted to times when a child is unwell or upset. The children are particularly receptive to learning through song. Utilising listening and repetition skills. Nursery rhymes and other songs accompanied by actions captivate the children. They can be sung by the teacher or children they also love to copy cartoon versions of songs or watch other children in video clips perform the same song. They become fully engaged, learning a large vocabulary in a fun manner. An example of this is ‘Old McDonald has a farm’ this can also be adapted to include animals other than farm animals to include animals that children in Asia and the surrounding area would be more familiar with. This could then be followed by play with toy animals / role play with animal masks. The teacher needs to discuss names of animals, the noises they make, their colour, their size. Utilising every opportunity to elicit speech. Many story books include animals and a 3 x 3 drill of animal names while pointing to the animals also works well. Young children are exposed to grammar as well as vocabulary through play too. For example in the playground they can learn about prepositions by playing Following the Leader, under the arch, over the bridge , through the tunnel etc. Young children love role play for example buying items from a shop (ice cream is always popular). This vocabulary is taught using regalia (but plastic). Children are supervised in pairs with the teacher demonstrating the task first with the TA assisting and prompting throughout. Children have a low attention span so the classroom needs to be divided up into themed areas that include a book corner with simple, colourful and attractive books, a dress up area, children benefit from a variety of activities and the day is structured so that small groups move around from one activity to another with the opportunity for free play as well. Children learn through repetition and enjoy the routine so the same activities and songs are used with new songs and activities introduced but always repeating that which has become familiar. This reinforces what they have learned and gives the children a feeling of accomplishment too. Functional skills and language are taught through play and through practical tasks and daily routine such as break time with a snack, lunchtime and bathroom breaks! All offering the chance to learn and acquire new language. At first children tend to speak little and use gestures but are quietly listening and learning new vocabulary. When they are comfortable they start to join in with the songs first and gradually develop the knowledge and confidence to participate verbally in more activities.