Teach English in Guanyinhe Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guanyinhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Like any project, we plan to outline the action that should be taken in order to reach our goals, education is no exception. Planning a course or a lesson is the first step to communicate with the learners in an accessible manner. A lesson plan is a working document that can be passed to other teachers to carry out when the main teacher is not available; it also tells what should happen throughout the Lesson. Whatever sort of courses the teacher conducts, lesson plan acts as a historical document and a point of reference to teacher’s syllabus. From here we can think about the actual components needed on a plan. The main contents of a lesson plan can be the teacher name, time and date of the lesson, class level, room number and the expected number of students. Also, teachers should include the language points that need to be covered in the lesson, and learner and teacher aims. In addition to any anticipated problems may face the teacher and the students accompanied with effective solutions. Before the actual delivery processes of a lesson, teachers engage in a planning process that starts with determining the lesson topic that leads to drawing the objectives of the lesson. Objective or desired results are the points and ideas that learners are expected to develop and the specific knowledge and skills that learners are expected to acquire and use at the end of the lesson. When the teachers sketch the objectives, they should consider four main elements according to Heinich et al. (2001) refer to the ABCD’s: •Audience, learners for whom the objective is written. •Behaviour, the verb that describes what the audience will be able to do. •Condition, the circumstances under which the audience will perform the behaviour. •Degree, acceptable performance of the behaviour. Moving to the processes, the teacher begins by identifying the points of linguistic or cultural content they will cover in a lesson. The next step is to choose the method of how the students will carry out the activities and how the content should be taught. If the teacher chose to Engage, Study, activate method (ESA), the teacher might see the syllabus for teaching grammar related to Parts of Speech (verbs – Nouns) should be divided into three stages. Engage phase, The teacher decides to use alphabet soup by taking a few words from the students and board them, ask students to identify the verbs and nouns and rub off any others, and then asks students to put each verb into a complete sentence then ask them to put each noun into a complete sentence. Study phase, use three or four sentences from the board and elicit from the students the parts of speech for each sentence. Elicit the difference between verbs and nouns, and then use each of the verbs and nouns in sentence sentences. Activate phase, get the students to read through the brief and check they understand the words. Now the teacher will group the students and ask them to create a flowchart to show how they would restructure the company to increase profitability based on the parts of speech they learnt.