Teach English in Dadaohe Zhen - Ankang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dadaohe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Ankang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning languages, knowledge, dealing things etc. These can lead students or learners to certain of condition, including, not understanding the content, teacher’s information transmitting, a not clear demonstration etc. This task will be discussing problems that students may face in four aspects (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) and also some classroom most common problems in Taiwan while learning a foreign language. It is worth to discuss the learning atmosphere in an Asian country, since the knowledge background is totally different than the western style of learning. Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems. It interferes with learning basic skills, moreover, could be long- or short-term attention. Particularly if you are learning English outside of an English-speaking country. For instance, English language learners in Taiwan face a lot of challenges because English is not an official language. Limited learning environment can be the most significant issue in Taiwan. Especially, when encountering problems, students usually ask questions in the language they are familiar with without even trying to ask in the language they are learning. However, people see the others doing the same way, giving up thinking properly occurs problematic sentences making for their learning in the future. Over-use of native language in the class which then causes more problems. Regarding to listening skills, it is one of the most essential skills in learning a language. Many teachers in Taiwan don’t focus on listening and speaking comprehension. Schools pay more attention to writing and reading, also memorizing vocabulary. In order to let students understand grammatical structure of a sentence, Taiwanese teachers mostly give solid formula. However, students tend to become a mechanical robot, remembering the structure. Thus, reading and grammatically comprehend seems to be relatively easier. There’s a report in Taiwan which made a survey some years ago, comparing with reading and speaking, 95% students prefer to read and reply the questions with their pens but only 5% are willing to reply verbally. The most common reply is they are afraid to make mistakes when they pronounce incorrectly. Speaking becomes the least being taught in Taiwan, teachers themselves lack of confident to have dialogs with students in English, on account of this reason, it becomes a curriculum that students prefer not to speak. I believe that this is also the main reason speaking becomes a major problem for students in Taiwan of learning difficulties. Another point to discuss is students are limited to give their own opinions during the class, students are afraid being impolite to ask questions during the class. Moreover, they aren’t allowed to ask questions which might slow down teacher’s schedule. In comparison with speaking, doing test such as writing paper or answering selective questions seems to be more feasible for students to reply in Taiwan. First of all, reading combines some words which they probably have memorized before, students might not understand they way of using the words, but they can directly translate the words into the language they understand by just literary meaning. It seems that they are available to answer the correct answer, but they don’t know the usage in the sentence. After revising the general situation in four abilities of learning foreign language situation in Taiwan. In more details, more specific problem in the class will be discussed. For example, with strong knowledge students dominate the class, others would rather stay quiet to let only one student to reply the question which seems to be not their business anymore. Setting the pace of the class to keep up with the strongest students will leave the weaker ones behind. Weaker students shouldn't be forgotten in classroom discussions and activities. There are many problems in the class, the solution for this could advise teacher to arrange the correct and suitable seats to deal with dominated students. For level differences, be sure to use correct materials recommended by a reliable teacher of English, which fits the average for all. They must make a deliberate and conscious effort to learn with or without a class teacher, during the class teacher should set the rules at the beginning to make sure everyone speaks the language they are learning. The student should get audio materials, so he/she can hear the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, which also assist them to practice listening. However, listening and speaking part can be both learnt at the same time through activities that teacher offers during the class. Such as giving students the theme topic of the beginning the class, as an engage phase which allows students to think in English first, reply the questions and teacher can gather the related information. Then practice in worksheet paper, after that students will be asking questions and replying them in teams or paired up. In my personal perspective, learning a language may not be too difficult for Taiwanese students. But the most common problem we are encountering will be speaking and giving your own opinions. Since, we always have been taught not allow to make mistakes. People are mostly afraid to make problems. Teachers must be vigilant about requiring students to communicate in English and only in English, even if they're just talking to each other. Teacher should know that they can’t follow the schedule all the times, but adjust the content of the class while encountering problems in the class. Giving students the opportunities to learn and speak are relatively more important than just memorizing the vocabulary.