Teach English in Zhongrangtang Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

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I would like to talk about how to teach reading in PYP, especially in lower PYP. Reading is one of the receptive skills. Reading is super important for the younger ones, it enriches their knowledge and give them the skills that they can use and benefit the whole life. For our school and class Our school is an IB school. In lower PYP, We have about twenty students in each class. Most of them are from Hong Kong, some of them are foreigners that can not speak Chinese. We use English teaching in the class and we have two English-speaking teachers, a foreigner and a Chinese. For teaching reading, i would like to talk about it in three different ways we do in the class. First, teaching the whole class ---Mini reading class Before doing the course, i do not know about the ESA theory, but what we do in the class actually fits with the content in the course. *Engage Teachers choose one book or part of the book, then do a read aloud. During the reading, teachers stop several times, check the students’ understanding and ask some questions that connected to the reading skills we teach today, so they can think about it. *Study After finish the book, talk about how do you know about the answers and share to the class. After some students sharing their ideas, teachers could summarize the skill we want to teach with the students. *Activate Give the students maybe twenty minutes, let them read by themselves, give everyone a sticky note. If they do or find something that connected to the reading lesson, they could write it on the sticky notes. At last, they can go back to the carpet, talk about it with teachers and classmates. Second, teaching group reading Reading with a group of students, which is guided reading. I do think it is the most efficient way to improve students’ reading level. We do the reading test one by one and then separate the whole class into several groups according to their reading level. Every time, while it is reading time, teachers could take one group and do guided reading. * Choose the proper book The books should at or one level higher than their reading level. Teachers should read it first, so we can know whether it can get students’ interests. *Guided reading plan Below are the normal steps we may have in guided reading Day 1 Introduce the book Sight words teaching Picture walk Teaching tricky words Let the students read the book, at the same time teacher spend several minutes read individually with student to give praise and find the problems students may have Stop and talk with all of them if they have common problems Ask some questions to check students understanding Day 2 Review the sight words Independent reading ( teacher still doing reading with individual} Give some question and let them do some writing Last, teaching individual reading This is kind of a short reading time with students, it normally takes about five minutes. When it is class reading time, teacher can go to the student individually and sit with the student. We can check if the book is proper for the students, or it is too hard or too easy. Ask some questions, to make sure they understand the book. While listen to them read, help them solve the word problem or other problems using the skills we teach in the class, so they can review and know the skills better. Most importantly, give them praise and tell them which part they are doing really good and encourage them. These are my understanding of how to teach reading combine with the class in our school. I know it is hard to track the reading of every students, but i do think mini reading lesson, guided reading and reading individually with the student can benefit the students a lot.