Teach English in Zagunao Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zagunao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning Teaching Skills 120 hour course As I have thought through this topic I have incorporated learning new teaching skills e.g. patience, collaboration etc but also I have referred to the use of resources and strategies as creativity is also an important skill to have as a teacher. To learn teaching skills I have found the following ways helpful as I walk forward: Observe/learn from other teachers (collaborative) Research international best practise on creative strategies (continually learning and upskilling ourselves) Then trial and practise these skills reflecting on your progress. E.g. management strategies, creative lessons (teachers need to be creative) Teaching is about collaboration and learning from each other. So taking every opportunity to work as part of a team and discuss teaching with other colleagues is a bonus. Collaboration is an important teaching skill, discussing lessons or issues that arise encourages people to use their individual strengths to help develop other people’s teaching skills and also to learn in their areas of weakness . Modelling of teaching skills and strategies should be a key part of the culture in a school. If a new strategy or teaching skill is introduced then teachers watch certain teachers model and then trial the strategies in their class. This can be really helpful as it is a real life example and boosts confidence in giving new teaching skills and strategies a go. If we are working a bit more in isolation then the internet is a wonderful source of videos and articles that model or explain teaching skills or resources that we can try in our lessons. Often I have found a new teaching strategy or interesting resources as I browse my way through the internet, that will help my teaching skills to develop and grow. A willingness to learn and take on board new ideas is a teaching skill that is vital for us to develop, I guess a thirst for knowledge is important. International best practise is a great starting point for developing our teaching skills and strategies so we provide engaging and effective lessons for our students. I personally have learnt a lot as I have researched strategies, teaching skills and resources that further equip me as a teacher. Referring back also to the ITTT course content on structuring lessons and suggested strategies will be really helpful as we navigate our way through teaching. I enjoy watching videos on the internet of teachers teaching, I always gain some form of insight to further equip my skills. By watching videos it has helped me to find some good strategies that are effective when working in ESL classes and also listening to the way the teacher communicates and manages the students during the lesson gives good insights. In the end we can have all the knowledge about skills and strategies for teaching but unless we are willing to take a risk and trial new resources and strategies we will not develop as a teacher. Reflecting or getting feedback on teaching is really important as it ensures that we are learning as we go along. Our own honest reflections on lessons, the way in which we relate to the students and provide engaging activities, will challenge us to improve and try new skills or strategies that may be more effective. At times it is difficult to receive feedback on our teaching but developing the skill to be able to receive positive and constructive criticism will keep us refining our teaching skills and strategies. It is helpful although not always pleasant to get feedback from other teachers so you can grow in your skills. Teaching skills develop step by step as we walk through our journey of teaching being willing to learn as we go.