Teach English in Xiaman Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiaman Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The stories and tales convey a popular culture coming from the old oral tradition and have a timeless aspect, they have been attracting a lot of people for decades, it is the basis of all the communicating things surrounding us at this moment: Movies, books, news or even people's conversation; everything is based on different types of story (fantasy, reality, action ... etc). The tale educates. It provides a moral, but this is a very restrictive vision because it is much more! The highlight of stories and tales is that they entertain while giving a personal and educational lesson, these multiple benefits make an essential feature of the tale. There are many types of stories that attract children, to grow, they constantly resort to their imagination, especially when finding an unusual story where they can go away with their imagination, and which can make them feel like a part of the story. The children are often related and interested in stories which are based on fairy tales. From their very early age, the young children absorb information and language (generally maternal vocabulary) from their first stories that they heard, thus they’ll usually develop their first emotions and cervical power while creating their proper language. Recently, Tales are adopted in the pedagogical phase of educational systems in order to facilitate the transfer of information to the students, especially for the language courses of young learners; educators use new systems to promote language learning with entertaining sessions and activities such as: telling the story of an image or storytime or role-plays. All these activities are based on real or imaginary stories. The storytelling activities in an English course is reassuring for the child to learn the English language. Indeed, it allows him to know new ways of saying things or thinking about action with a new or different vocabulary, depending on whether the English language is learned as a first language (mother tongue) or a second one. These told stories improve the children’s ability to identify with the tales different aspects and different meanings; while listening to new words and expressions that can be recorded later in their memory and which can be translated into emotions. the child absorbs instantly the information given while improving unconsciously his way of thinking about an object or a feeling that he had already memorized. the young learner can absorb the new vocabulary way too faster than an old learner, especially when he will receive a pleasant storytelling activity for a language purpose; he will be enjoying the activity, leaning the language and creating a new interest in the course itself. For the child, identification of the language consists in entering the story itself by becoming the main character; Therefore, the style of storytelling, with the material used and the way the tale is represented, by its characteristics, also facilitates this identification. Reading the tale and presenting the story to children in a new unknown language is an important phase that the teacher must master and develop; the use of stories and the tale presentation in a class of young learner (especially children) vary in several activities (role-playing, storytelling, gesture, image, puppet ... etc); it is important that the teacher should transfer the information told in different ways so the child doesn't feel confused or bored . taking the course in a good manner and create new activities are the main objectives that should be mastered by a teacher during the course so the children can understand the language unconsciously. having a story in an English course encourage the child to react to the activity, learn the language and ask questions; he will be also sharing his experiences if he felt related to the story activity which allows him to acquire the new language and to build new vocabulary.