Teach English in Tangke Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tangke Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is not an easy task thus it is a challenging occupation.There are many factors responsible for this. Sometimes, the students can be demanding, there can be stubborn and uncooperative students in the class, while some students can be hyper active. There are however unending lists and reasons why teaching can be so challenging.Talking in front of the classrooms full of people sometimes gives many teachers anxiety.However, if one has learned to feel comfortable in front of audience or students, teaching will definitely become a fun and will be interesting. In order to make teaching become fun and a rewarding job and for someone to become a successful teacher, there are lots of sacrifice that one needs to make.For one to build a successful teaching career and to make learning fun one must always prepare ahead ,of time,be articulate, be knowledgeable in one's area of specialization, that is, to be a master on the teaching subjects.Successful teacher must always be consistent and ready to take risks. Taking all the above mentioned points one after the other, i will like to highlight and explained clearly and vividly what can make a teacher build successful teaching career in his or her area of academic pursuit.First and foremost , a great teacher need to prepare in advance for lesson plan and do class preparation. Doing this will entail, preparing the reading or assignments that students will complete the following day. Each lesson must be well organized and plan ahead of time.Great teachers must therefore set high expectations for all students.Such lesson plan must give a clear idea of what the student will be learning, what the assignments are all about and invariably what the grading policy is likely to be.In this regards students must therefore be giving ample opportunity to practice their newly learnt skills. The teacher must in turn be consistent in the grading and returns the work back in a timely manner. Establishing a regular schedule for grading is part of what a great teacher should incorporate, try as much as possible to find out ,when during the week one need to grade and break the total amount of weekly grading into a manageable pieces. As earlier pointed out,teaching is one of the most complicated job today, because it demands broad knowledge of the subject matter, curriculum and standards. In this regard a great or successful teacher therefore need to possess certain characteristics in order to achieve the best. Some of these qualities were mentioned in the unit 1 of the ITTT course under Teachers and Learners. Such qualities include enthusiasm, caring attitude, love of learning knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques and desire to make a difference in the lives of the students. Thus in a simple and straight forward language, a great teacher must be warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Teachers with this qualities will make a fantastic and successful teachers. A great teacher will act as a prompter, a facilitator, a manager, a model and an assessor and must be able to establish good rapport with students and come up with the use of technology that will enhance learning for the students.Such technology will aid both teacher and student because students quickly become tired of boring and repetitive class. Thus using technology such as creation of power point, eliciting some videos or films that will spark classroom discussion will make the class to be lively. A successful teacher must also learn to vary teaching style and strategy, one do not need to be rigid or dogmatic to a particular pattern of teaching. Accommodating different learning styles will spread method of teaching to incorporate both slow and fast learners, because various students may learn through other methods.When a teacher experiment with different teaching techniques such as using tangible objects, related to the lesson,that students can interact with and learn from, this will aid their understanding.Practical examples, taking students on a field trip and all other form of teaching techniques combined together will assist students in grasping the knowledge and this will contribute to building a successful teaching career, because the performance or outcome of the students will also determine the impact of knowledge a teacher has been able to give unto the students. A great teacher should also allows teaching to inspire his or her own learning. Part of the pleasure ,one derive from teaching students is along with gingering and sparing their curiosity to learn, one can easily remind oneself the pleasure of learning as well.A great teacher should also in addition learn how to manage his or class effectively and efficiently deciding on the classroom policies is an important integral of being a great teacher. It is very important for a teacher to allow students learn the etiquette,that is specific rules, regulations and policies that has to be followed in the class;such as not allowing phones to be used in the class, no to vernacular speaking,discouraging lateness,enforcing disciplines,although some of these policies may be school-Wide policies that a teacher has no control over,but nevertheless, one still need to enforce and follow them as the need arises. A great teacher must also maintain an authority over classroom, While teachers should not be seen as authoritarian, it is important that a teacher must have control of the class by ensuring students maintain proper decorum in the class room, be disciplined, put off cell phones, be quiet when a teacher is talking. Building a successful teaching career,one must be able to act confidently, with the web of knowledge already acquired. In most cases new teachers always fidget when approaching classroom full of strangers. This has become one of the most challenging parts of teaching.However, over a period of time a teacher needs to ensure he or she builds confidence,this is the only way a classroom successes will turn to genuine confidence. A very good sense of humor is therefore necessary for a teacher to possess. When a teacher has this, he will definitely be in control of a class. Finally, a teacher must expect feedback from the students and a teacher is expected to give students plentiful and constructive feed back. This will show clearly that a teacher personally evaluate student's work and have proper standard of evaluation in place.