Teach English in Kalong Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kalong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

From the perspective of a student, they see a teacher as someone who is going to teach them a certain subject. They stand in front of the class, teach you how to solve, speak, write, and read the lesson for the day. To a student, a teacher may be no more than a person to help you understand a subject and grade you based off of your performance. From a teacher's perspective, however, teaching is so much more. The question that I will explain in further depth is: What is the role of a teacher? This question will focus more on a teacher teaching English. To be a teacher, it is not just teaching students on how to read, write and speak English. To be a teacher, it means to guide. To guide a student in a direction that can help them understand more than what they are expecting. To show them the way into becoming more fluent and to be able to also help other learners like them understand the English language. A teacher not only guides the student in the direction they wish to go, but to guide them further and prepare them for what is to come in the future. With guidance, there is motivation. Not all students are ready to continue further in their learning experience, and to have the motivation from the teacher can make all the difference. Teachers provide the comfort and confidence for students to feel ready for what is to come and for them to ask questions if they do not fully understand what the teacher is talking about. Motivation can give a student so much confidence, it can stick with them even when they speak English to native speakers. A teacher sets the tone to the classroom. Whether it be serious or playful, the teacher will always build a warm environment for the students. Creating this atmosphere can change how students react to how the teacher is, but also how the student focuses in class. No matter the tone to the classroom, the teacher will always provide a warm environment for the students. A teacher’s tone, personality, guidance and how they motivate the students can lead to them being a role model. Being a role model means being looked up to, and to many students who may want to teach in the future, the teacher is a great role model just for that. However, a teacher’s personality and how they treat the students can be set as an example alone. Teachers are always giving their best and always setting an example to students. Being a teacher does not mean that there is just only one role. A teacher has numerous roles that there is always not just one being used in class for the day. The role of a teacher is to guide, motivate, teach, give the students a warm feeling being in class, be a role model, and so much more. To be a teacher, it is not just a job, it is a part of who they are. How they go about in the classroom is how they act around anyone. A teacher does not just teach the class. A teacher expresses their passion for English and shows students a whole different world from their own view. To be a teacher is to show students something new that they have never seen before. That is the role of a teacher.