Teach English in Jiuzhaigouguoying Muchang - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiuzhaigouguoying Muchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To be a good teacher does not mean only to share knowledge or to teach a subject, much more things stand for this definition. One of them is motivating students. According to Cambridge dictionary, “Motivation is willingness to do something, enthusiasm for doing something”. Is it easy to motivate or to stay motivated during learning languages? If to put it clearly, it depends on people or situation, but obviously, it is not a piece of cake. A lot of psychologists and teaching experts consider motivation the most difficult and the most important aspect. Students without motivation will not learn effectively, they will lack the reason to participate in class activities or simply to answer teacher’s questions. It also may affect their behavior. However, dealing with languages motivation is a must. The question may arise “How to get students interested and how to keep it?” Firstly, we should bear in mind that there are students with different ages and different levels. Some of them are already motivated, usually they are adults who have aims and know what they want, but the other may even be reluctant to study. Especially it is hard for kids and teenagers who have no idea what they are doing in the class and why they need it. By the way, if to put in one group students with completely different levels some of them may get confused and disappointed which may cause not the best consequences. Secondly, it is natural that motivated students may get frustrated and loss their desire to learn. It means that teacher’s task is even harder than just get students attention during the lesson. Apart from this, students should do off-class course, projects and just develop themselves besides school program. What a joy to teach students that have passion to do everything, to take part in every activity and to enrich their knowledge in a subject! As it was mentioned, some students are self-motivated, they have this gift to take to such things as learning from nature and some students get motivation with the help of a teacher. It is truly rewarding part of teaching career, though at the same time the hardest. How to motivate a student? What super power should a good teacher possess? Let us try to answer these questions. On the one hand, teacher is to help to make positive thinking about educational process. Encourage students to communicate, not to be afraid to make mistakes, to share their opinions and experience. For example, kids are always seeking for approval and support. The class with friendly environment, full of respect to each other is the best place for a student to learn. Sometimes easy words of praising such as “You are right” or “That’s great” can make wonder. On the other hand, teacher should make the lesson as involving as possible. Nice atmosphere, funny and enjoyable activities will help to relax. Moreover, sharing responsibilities will not only engage students, but also unite. Working in pairs or groups, having competitions and drama sounds good for such a stage. Additionally, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. That is why creative teaching should be added to the list. Games, role-play, discussions and debate, using visual aids such as pictures, posters, magazines, real objects, cartoons and movies will help to avoid monotony and stimulate students to work. The next step can be incentives. With small kids colorful stickers sometimes enough, with teenagers and adults it can be extra plus or bonus, or promise to have a kind of party on a learned topic. When one is sure he/she gets reward, usually he/she will try his/her best everywhere and in everything, because it is human nature. One more thing that is of great use in motivating is to draw connections to students’ own experience or real life. Almost all people are eager to talk about themselves. In conclusion, motivation is a part and parcel of learning process. Actually, I consider it is beyond education. Such a force factor that makes all people moving and developing in life cannot be treated that simple. However, the more students are motivated the happier teacher is.