Teach English in Fushun Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fushun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Imagine you just happened to hear an old song you used to listen to that you forgot most of its lyrics but not the beat itself, you can even still hummed the tune instead. Trying to figure the lyrics, that song seemingly stuck in your head all through your journey like a recorded tape until you were finally able to sing the entire song. The same thing happened when you studied something but tend to forget it not only just because of the years that passed by, but due to lack of practice. And when you tried to study it again, everything just flashed back like you just learned it yesterday. After all, we learn by repetition. TEFL course, on the other hand, is like a higher level for those who wanted to master the English language, and a new course, at the same time, a general reviewer for those who wanted to teach and those who were already teaching. English has been my second language since I started going to school. Though I know how to speak the language, I still have some flaws in my grammar. And perhaps, even a native speaker does. Even though I have studied English for a long time, I still am confused and have to go back to its basics. The rules of English grammar might be as simple as it is, but if the exemptions are to be applied, that's what makes these rules complicated. The TEFL course helps one to understand better the role of a language teacher. It also gives ideas about what it is like to teach or how to approach students who speak other languages in a traditional classroom or in an online setting. Studying a TEFL course is like re-learning what one already know and discovering what one have to improve. In my case, I can speak the language and I have the foundation to teach. But English is not my specialty and my students are completely diverse - by race, nationality, and culture. Even though I can technically converse in English, I am not that confident enough to teach students who speak different languages other than my native tongue. If my students, for example, were my fellow countrymen, I would have no problem teaching them English as they can eventually understand most of what I would say because English is everywhere in my country. So, when I heard about the TEFL course, there are lots of reasons why one should take it and complete it. First, like what I have mentioned above, it is like a higher level for those who wanted to master the English language and it serves as a reviewer for those who have a background in teaching. Not just a reviewer though, as one could gain additional knowledge especially the approaches and motivations that can be used for students. It pointed out the necessary things one usually confused about in the most simplified way possible. Second, the content itself does not only pertains to how to teach English as a language, as well as the basics of teaching methodologies; but as a foreign language to students in which English is not widely spoken in their respective countries. It also gives ideas on what to expect between cultural differences, albeit one might still have a slight culture shock with some circumstances that are out of his control. One could expect at least. Third, this course could be a pre-requisite to one’s dream job abroad. Even though one have the initial requirements to teach, even one have skills to do the job, and even one have a passion to pursue this career, having a TEFL certificate can still give him an edge. I noticed that in every job offer I have stumbled upon the internet, they, if not always, included a TEFL certificate among their requirements. TEFL is not just a simple course anyone can acquire, but it is a special course that can make someone a world-class teacher wherever he or she is, even at home. According to, it can give access to more teaching jobs in more countries. Being certified with TEFL not only adds up to one’s credentials, but it also helps one to land TEFL jobs abroad with higher paychecks faster, making it a great financial investment. Lastly, one can study it at his most convenient time. One can complete the course without a hurry as anyone was given enough time to complete the tasks no matter how busy that person is, even he or she is a full-time employed. Moreover, one can also work at his own pace as a TEFL teacher. While taking this course has lots of benefits, however, completing it is not as easy as drinking a glass of water, contrary to what I just stated that one can study it in his most convenient time. It takes a lot of focus, motivation, and effort for one to learn things effectively and use them efficiently. Honestly, I personally felt unmotivated sometimes, it’s either because I had studied it before, or I just wanted to complete the tasks as fast as I can so I can start to work immediately. But no, I was wrong. One have to be more patient and take things slowly if necessary, to absorb each lesson wholly. One have to be more open-minded not only about the coursework but with everything. One have to manage his time well to stay on his track and keep his eyes on his goal and the prize he could get after completing this course.