Teach English in Fengyi Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fengyi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Business English learners range in age firm 18 onwards. A business English class may take a number of common structures. It may consist of clients across different departments or up the organisational ladder hence a class may consist of subordinates and managers. These learners will typically have their language lessons funded by their employer. The teacher may either teach the clients at their place of business or the clients themselves may attend lessons at the the language school that employs the teacher. Some group setting classes may be comprised of different individuals learning business English perhaps in order to take examinations by a renowned board so as to aqcuire an internationally recognized qualification. One to one learning is also common. Students may either acquire this through a language learning school or pay a teacher directly to teach them. Adults are usually highly motivated as they usually have a desire to learn. They have long attention spans and present few behavioural problems if any. Teaching them does also come with it's disadvantages. They tend to be self conscious and reluctant to produce language and make mistakes. As language learning requires a lot of speech practice this can be counter productive. If language lessons are held at their place of work, clients may be called to attend to work related issues at the expense of language lessons. They may have large amounts of pressure due to juggling their personal and professional lives which may encroach into lesson time. As these problems may result in very little progress with language learning a teacher will need to create ways to address or negotiate them in order to ensure learning is achieved. Teaching business English requires flexibility and discernment on the part of a teacher. A teacher need not have a knowledge of the jargon in their clients' area of vocation. Rather, they will use various teaching techniques to help them understand grammar, parts of speech and different aspects of the English language. The teacher's role as an instructor is clearly demonstrated in this. Another role a teacher assumes when teaching is that of a facilitator when they discern a student's mind is occupied with life's pressures rather than language learning. They may do so by tactfully capturing the students attention perhaps with a learning activity or game such as hangman. Reading, speaking and negotiating are important skills to teach in business English. Company memo's, technical documentation and business publications are examples of reading materials that can be used for students. Company memos are suitable for low and advanced language learning levels. Business publications are more suitable for advanced language learners as they are difficult especially if they are authentic materials. Non authentic materials can however be acceded from text books. Speaking will be used in a business setting in telephoning, messaging and presentations. Writing is used in emails, faxes, and presentations. With the first two examples format is imperative and should thus be a main focus. To encourage initiative, clients can be provided with websites to search for formats on the internet. Presentations should be to the point and provide relevant information.